2nd Annual Knit & Crochet-a-thon
CommuKNITy Cares is deep in preparations for the start of our 2nd Annual Knit & Crochet-a-thon! Join us in supporting both the Salvation Army’s Partners in Mission fundraising campaign and a group in need from your local community!
So what exactly is a Knit & Crochet-a-thon?
The premise of the project is to gather a group together to knit and crochet 9” squares. While creating these squares, the participants will also collect pledges for their work. Donations can be made either in flat amounts or by sponsoring a participant $5 for every square they create. The donations will all go directly to the Salvation Army’s Partners in Mission campaign. All donations over $20 will recieve an official tax receipt from the Salvation Army. Then at the end of the project all the squares will be stitched together into blankets and will be donated to a group in need in your local community.
Last year, the Salvation Army’s New Hope Community Church in Salmon Arm hosted the knit-a-thon and contributed just shy of $8900 to the Partners In Mission fundraising! In addition, we created 697 squares that were stitched into 29 beautiful blankets. We then donated them to the Safe Society, our local women’s shelter.

We are excited that we can use our talents again to both raise awareness and support for the work the Salvation Army does worldwide. Did you know that the Salvation Army provides counselling, shelter, care support and disaster relief throughout 400 communities in Canada, while being present and actively involved, 24/7, in 133 countries worldwide? The Salvation Army’s work helps to support the people and infrastructure in all these communities. Each year, our territory of Canada and Bermuda runs a campaign called Partners in Mission to raise funds to support the Salvation Army work over seas. The money raised during the Partners in Mission/Self-Denial Appeal provides essential funding required for the ongoing ministry of the Army. This funding is necessary to keep the infrastructure in place so that communities can focus on specific needs and concerns, such as education, health, clean water, income generation, or human-trafficking issues.
The theme of the 2023 Salvation Army Territorial Partners In Mission campaign is “Love In Action”! That seems to be in perfect harmony with the work that CommuKNITy Cares gets involved in. To read and learn more about the territorial project and the support they provide overseas, visit https://salvationist.ca/international-development/partners-in-mission-2023/2023-campaign/

The territorial goal is set once again to raise 2.3 million dollars this year and CommuKNITy Cares is ready to assist! The exciting aspect of our pursuit this year, is that you have an opportunity to not only join us, but to run a Knit & Crochet-a-thon in your own community. Given the overwhelming success of both the last year’s project and the simplicity in organizing it, CommuKNITy Cares has created an easy step by step template that other Salvation Army churches can follow!
If your Salvation Army church or knitting group would like to get involved, simply email Allison Patrick at [email protected] for more details.

Blessings, Allison
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