In His Time…
It’s so reassuring to me when I see God’s teaching displayed in my regular daily activities. It seems lately that I am resting in a theme of choosing to trust in the Lord and his perfect timing. What I may think is perfect for me today is not necessarily what God’s will is for me. He may have something completely different in store and it most certainly will be far better than I could ever plan or dream! It’s not surprising to me that God would use something like a Learn to Knit class to reassure me that trusting in his timing is the way to go!
You might relate to my students if you think back to the first time you picked up a pair of knitting needles. Do you remember how awkward it felt as you tried to hold them in your hands only to hear the “ping” of one of them hitting the floor? Then there were those stitches that were so tightly hugging the needle that it was nearly impossible to insert the other needle in to do your first knit stitch. All this led to sweaty palms and trembling hands as you tried to look like you had it all under control!
I could feel the frustration in my class that day. I encouraged one of my students to be patient and trust that after a little practice things would feel more comfortable. This last Sunday another one of my beginner students showed me her completed project. It was the most beautiful shawl and the workmanship was incredible. To think that only a short while before she wasn’t sure if she could do it and now her potential is being revealed.
That knitting class reminds me of the encouragement David provides us in Psalm 40…
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
They will put their trust in the Lord.
Psalm 40:1-3
I’m learning that it is essential to walk in the will of God and to trust in his timing and the lessons he presents while we wait. This doesn’t come naturally for me as I’ve gone against God’s will in the past and opted to fill my needs with an “instant gratification” approach to things. I’ve panicked, worried and worked situations in my favour to get my way. Each time the results were disastrous! Waiting patiently on his perfect timing proved to be just too difficult for me. It saddens me to think of all the blessings I may have missed out on.
You may think that a knitting class has nothing to do with waiting patiently on the Lord, but somehow it all related in my mind. My students were being patient and accepting that as new knitters, they would need to put in time and practice in order to become more comfortable with the new stitches. As the classes progressed, slowly their shoulders began to relax and each stitch got smoother and less methodical. Their first few rows progressed to small swatches of knits and purls and before they knew it they were knitting and sharing stories with one another at the same time!
Knitting is second nature to me now but there are other parts of my life that are challenging and require my patience and persistence. Just as practice makes perfect in a new skill like knitting, I have found that putting my faith in Christ and staying obedient to his word every day is much the same. It allows me to be comfortable in a time where I used to make hasty decisions for myself in order to feel better. I’m coming to appreciate what I have versus focusing on what I don’t have God has given me exactly what I need for today and I’m so grateful. This waiting period is actually strengthening my faith in Him and allowing him to reveal my true potential!

Blessings, Allison
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