It all began with one caring heart!
Thanks to many loving hands that have contributed to our mitten ministry, we have reached 755 pairs of mittens. We are still aiming to reach our goal of 2000 pairs by mid December of this year. Our goal may seem lofty given it’s already the end of October, but we aren’t at the finish line yet! I have faith and believe God can work wonders when our hearts are motivated by His love and we worship Him in all we do.
When something feels far too big for me I look to God to help me. When I focus on His wonderful works, I am always given renewed faith. I would like to share with you a story of how God used one caring heart here in Calgary to help our ministry.
Meet Ashlee Homewood. When I think of Ashlee I see a woman who shines with enthusiasm and is full of love for God, her family and everyone she encounters daily. She is a woman who lives out exactly what Jesus has called us all to do…
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22:37-39
Ashlee has been busy knitting mittens for our ministry. Just over a month ago, I believe God led her to send out a call to action that would give other caring hearts in Newfoundland the opportunity to share God’s love through our ministry. Just before her trip back to Newfoundland to visit family and friends, Ashlee not only shared a link to our website on Facebook but also challenged her friends to knit some mittens for her to bring back to Calgary. That simple action resulted in 22 new pairs of mittens! Ashlee had to stuff them in every corner of her suitcase just to get them all back home.
I am so thankful to God, to Ashlee and her friends. Those ladies from Newfoundland took on the challenge and jumped right into action. I know Jesus would have been delighted with that! To think none of that would have happened without Ashlee taking just a few minutes to help spread the word.
Would you be so kind to follow her lead and help us out as well? If you are a knitter or crocheter, you can help by making even just one pair of mittens. Or if the idea of picking up a set of knitting needles sends you running, why not do exactly what Ashlee did and challenge your friends to get involved! We still have time and we are aiming to warm as many children’s hands as we can this year.
Don’t miss out on any updates. You can sign up to our CommuKNITy Cares mailing list here on this site and follow CommuKNITy Cares on facebook!
Thank you again Ashlee and all your friends from Newfoundland for being part of the CommuKNITy Cares ministry and sharing God’s love in our community!

Blessings, Allison
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