Help keep those in need warm this winter!
CommuKNITy Cares has been based on sharing God’s love by meeting very practical needs in our local communities through providing hand-knit and crocheted items to those in need. Through these ministries, we have warmed the hands of hundreds of children with cozy mittens, met with and provided comfort to the homeless on the streets by delivering much needed hats and scarves, and praying over our work as we’ve stitched blankets for friends and loved ones in need of comfort as they face challenging times. These missions are ongoing and we could use your help! Contact us to see how you can get involved.
Knit & Crochet-a-thon
Join CommuKNITy Cares in our latest outreach project! We are fundraising for the Salvation Army’s Partners in Mission campaign supporting the ministry work they do in India, Zambia, Brazil, Burkino Faso and Congo (Brazzaville).
The Knit & Crochet-a-thon will run from Feb 26- March 26, 2022. The basic idea is that we will be knitting and crocheting 9 inch squares to make into blankets. Those involved with the project will be collecting pledges of either flat donations or $5 for every square they create during that month. All donations over $20 are eligible to receive a tax receipt from the Salvation Army. All the funds raised will go directly to the Partners in Mission campaign and support the Army’s work overseas in the five selected countries. To add a local aspect to the project, all the squares will be made into blankets and donated locally here in the Shuswap.
If you are interested in getting involved read more at https://www.commuknitycares.com/knit-crochet-a-thon/ and contact us at [email protected] for details.
Mitten Ministry
CommuKNITy Cares provides mittens for children along side the Salvation Armys Toy Hamper program. Although this idea came late in 2017 and time was limited, volunteers were able to make sure that 158 children received a pair of warm hand-knit mittens in our first year. Read about how we surpassed that in 2018 we started early and completed 1068 pairs! A multitude of hands were kept warm this winter!
Our vision continues to grow! Over the past years we have been able to offer every child that came to the participating locations a pair of mittens. We hope to not only be able to achieve that goal again but possibly expand the number of locations we donate in. We would love to have you join in our ministry and help us reach our goal!
We are collecting mittens for children of all ages up, from new born up to late teens. Be creative and use your choice of yarns and colours. Keep in mind that the Winter temperatures in Canada can reach extreme lows so a chunkier weight yarn might be more appropriate. Click on the”Patterns” tab for a link to a variety of mitten patterns that are available to download or use one of your own if you have a favourite.
Hat and Scarf Ministry
Over the last few years on Valentines Day we like to share God’s love with others by personally handing out hand knit scarves and hats to the homeless population in our community. Get inspired to join us and take a moment to read about one of our experiences! Valentines Day Scarf Ministry
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:37-40